Winter semester 2020/21
Proseminar on Linear Algebra
organized by Lothar Sebastian Krapp and Michele Serra
Final Handouts
Skew-symmetric bilinear forms (G. Schöckle)
Applications of Jordan forms to systems of linear ordinary differential equations (S. Dean)
Wednesdays 13:30-15:00, Room D406
This seminar cycle will be held in presence in the university.
The possibility of attending and/or giving the talk in video conference
is available for the students who cannot enter the campus because of the restrictions due to the Coronavirus.
The aim of this cycle of seminars is to develop in more detail some topics that
were introduced in the course "Lineare Algebra II" from the Summer Semester 2020.
The talks could deal with operators on inner product spaces, applications of the spectral theorem,
bilinear forms, as well as direct methods for linear systems and their applications.
Further suggestions are welcome. Each talk will provide a review of the results from
the literature about one of these topics and illustrate them with examples and applications.
Every student should also produce a short handout about the material developed in her/his own talk.
--> Video-Description of the Proseminar
This seminar is primarily aimed at third-semester Bachelor in Mathematics (Haupt- oder Nebenfach) students,
but is also suitable for students of Lehramt and Bachelor/Master of Education in Mathematics.
BA Proseminar (3 ECTS), Fachseminar (B.Ed., M.Ed. - 5 ECTS)
The language of the seminar can be either German or English.
Preliminary meeting
A preliminary discussion for the assignment of the topics will take place on Wednesday July 15th from 15.15 to 16.45 in video conference on Cisco Webex Meetings (click here to join the meeting).
If you are interested in delivering a seminar in this cycle but cannot participate in the preliminary meeting,
please contact the organizers.
--> Presentation of the Proseminar used for the discussion in the Preliminary Meeting
Possible topics
Participants can find some ideas and references for preparing their
seminars in this list of possible topics. Further suggestions are of course welcome.
The Final Schedule is available in the shared cloud folder.
Instructions and deadlines
Each participant will:
- submit to the organizers the title and abstract of her/his seminar by noon one week before her/his seminar
- submit the handout at the beginning of her/his talk (max 10 pages)
- have 1 hour 15 minutes at her/his disposal for delivering her/his seminar (plus 15 additional minutes for questions).
The presentation can be delivered:
- at the blackboard and/or projecting a visual support (e.g. slides) in case the seminar will be given in presence at the university
- sharing a visual support, e.g. slides or notes on a tablet, with the audience during the video-conference
- submit the final version of the handout one week after receiving the feedback on it from the organizers
- receive a final grade which will include the evaluation of both the presentation and the handout.
Personal Tutorial in video conference
A personal tutorial in video conference will be offered to each of the participants on the Tuesday 15:00-16:30 of the week before her/his talk to assist her/him in the preparation
of the talk, abstract and handout.
In case more assistance should be needed, further personal tutorials can be arranged by appointment.
Using LaTeX for preparing handouts and presentations
- Please, send the organizers via email at latest by:
- August 15th: Confirmation of participation and Preferred date for your talk.
- September 15th: Final choice of the topic of your talk.
- September 30th: Confirmation of the date of your seminar.
October 1st The final schedule of the talks is now available!
The role of co-organizer of Maria Infusino is now taken over by Michele Serra.
Last update: 09 February 2021
Datenschutzhinweise: Alle Infos zum Datenschutz. Mit der Teilnahme an einer synchronen Online-Veranstaltung stimmen alle Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der des Proseminars zur Linearen Algebra den Datenschutzbestimmungen zu. Der Beitritt zu Webkonferenzen (alle synchronen Online-Angebote) ist nicht zulässig, wenn den aufgeführten Datenschutzinformationen zum jeweiligen Webkonferenztool und den Modalitäten der Veranstaltungen von den Teilnehmenden nicht zugestimmt wird. Wir informieren unsere Studierenden in diesem Zusammenhang darüber, dass ihre personenbezogenen Daten nur vorübergehend für die Dauer dieser synchronen Veranstaltung gespeichert/verarbeitet werden und dass niemand die Veranstaltung aufzeichnen darf. Wir haben hierfür die Studierenden per per E-Mail informiert. Es gibt in allen Online-Synchronveranstalungen Möglichkeiten einer stummen und nicht sichtbaren Teilnahme. Weitere Datenschutzinformationen sind verfügbar auf Da diese Informationen jederzeit durch die Teilnehmenden leicht abrufbar sind, müssen wir nicht explizit darauf hinweisen.