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Schwerpunkt Reelle Geometrie und Algebra > Vorträge

Vorträge im Schwerpunkt Reelle Geometrie und Algebra

Donnerstag, 22.Juli 2010, um 15:30 Uhr  in F426 (Allgemeines Kolloquium)
Ken Dykema (Texas A&M)
On approximation of groups by permutations and operators by matrices
A sofic group is one that can be approximated by permutations of finite sets in a particular sense.  This notion was introduced by Gromov, and it is an open question whether all groups are sofic.  An analogous question is Connes' embedding problem, which is equivalent to asking whether all operators (in von Neumann algebras with traces) can be approximated by matrices, in a specific sense.  These questions and some partial results (involving amalgamated free products) will be discussed.  Familiarity with von Neumann algebras will not be assumed.

zuletzt geändert am 06. Juli 2010