Mathematik und Statistik
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Schwerpunkt Analysis und Numerik > Michael Dreher

Analysis of a population model with strong cross-diffusion in unbounded domains

M. Dreher

Abstract. We study a parabolic population model in the full space and prove the global in time existence of a weak solution. This model consists of two strongly coupled diffusion equations describing the population densities of two competing species. The system features intrinsic growth, inter- and intra-specific competition of the species, as well as diffusion, cross-diffusion and self-diffusion, and drift terms related to varying environment quality. The cross-diffusion terms can be large, making the system non-parabolic for large initial data. The method of our proof is a combination of a time semi-discretization, a special entropy symmetrizing the system, and compactness arguments.

Royal Soc. Edinburgh Proc. A 138 (2008), 769-786.

A preprint version of the paper is available here: pdf.