Mathematik und Statistik
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Schwerpunkt Analysis und Numerik > Michael Dreher

Sharp energy estimats for a class of weakly hyperbolic operators

M. Dreher and I. Witt

Abstract. The intention of this article is twofold: First, we survey our results from Dreher/Witt (2002) and Dreher/Witt (2005) about energy estimates for the Cauchy problem for weakly hyperbolic operators with finite time degeneracy at time t=0. Then, in a second part, we show that these energy estimates are sharp for a wide range of examples. In particular, for these examples we precisely determine the loss of regularity that occurs in passing from the Cauchy data at $t=0$ to the solutions.

New Trends in the Theory of Hyperbolic Equations, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl. 159 (2005), 449-511.

The paper is available here: pdf.