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Schwerpunkt Reelle Geometrie und Algebra > Prof. Dr. Alexander Prestel

 1.   Die elliptischen Fixpunkte der Hilbertschen Modulgruppen
Math. Ann. 177 (1968), 181-209

 2.   Die Fixpunkte der symmetrischen Hilbertschen Modulgruppe zu einem reell-quadratischen Zahlkörper mit Primzahldiskriminante
Math. Ann. 200 (1973), 123-139

 3.   On a Class of Pasch-free Euclidean Planes
(with H.N. Gupta)
Bull. Acad. Polon. 20 (1972), 17-23

 4.   Triangle and Schwarz Inequality in Pasch-free Euclidean Geometry
(with H.N. Gupta)
Bull. Acad. Polon. 20 (1972), 999-1003

 5.   Euklidische Geometrie ohne das Axiom von Pasch
Abh. Math. Sem. Hamburg 41 (1974), 224-251

 6.   Quadratische Semi-Ordnungen und quadratische Formen
Math. Z. 133 (1973), 319-342

 7.   Erblich euklidische Körper
(with M. Ziegler)
J. reine angew. Math. 274/275 (1975), 196-205

 8.   On some Hasse Principles of Formally Real Fields
(with R. Elman and T.Y. Lam)
Math.Z. 134 (1973), 291-301

 9.   Non-Axiomatizability of Real General-Affine Geometry
(with L.W. Szczerba)
Fund. Math. 104 (1979), 193-202

 10.   An Introduction to Ultra Products
Atas da 3. Escola de Algebra 1974, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, 111-134

 11.   A Local Global Principle for Quadratic Forms
Math. Z. 142 (1975), 91-95

 12.   Lectures on Formally Real fields
Monografias de Mathematica 22, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro 1975, 187 p.
(2.ed.: Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1093, Springer)

 13.   Local-Global Principles for Quadratic Forms over Function Fields
Conference on Quadratic Forms - 1976
Queen's Paper in Pure and Applied Math. 46 (1977), 595-612

 14.   Model Theoretic Methods in the Theory of Topological Fields
(with M. Ziegler)
J. reine angew. Math. 299/300 (1978), 318-341

 15.   Non-Axiomatizable Classes of V-Topological Fields
(with M Ziegler)
J. reine angew. Math. 316 (1980), 211-214

 16.   Entscheidbarkeit mathematischer Theorien
Jahresber. DMV 81 (1979), 177-188

 17.   Remarks on the Pythagoras and Hasse Number of Real Fields
J. reine angew. Math. 303/304 (1978), 284-294

 18.   Almost Isotropic Quadratic Forms
(with R. Ware)
J. London Math. Soc. (2)19 (1979), 241-244

 19.   Sums of Squares over Fields
Atas da 5. Escola de Algebra, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro 1978, 33-44

 20.   Artin's Conjecture on p-adic Number Fields
Atas da 5. Escola de Algebra, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, 1978, 79-109

 21.   Zur Axiomatisierung gewisser affiner Geometrien
L'Enseignement Mathematique II, 27 (1981), 125-136

 22.   Pseudo Real Closed Fields
In: Set Theory and Model Theory
eds. R.B. Jensen and A. Prestel
Lecture Notes in Math., Springer Nr. 872, 127-156

 23.   Decidable Theories of Preordered Fields
Math. Ann. 258 (1982), 481-492

 24.   Reduced Stability of the Witt Ring of a Field and its Pythagorean Closure
(with R. Elman)
Amer. J. of Math. 106 (1984), 1237-1260

 25.   Bewertungsfortsetzungen und nicht-injektive Kollineationen
(with R. Fritsch)
Geometriae Dedicata 13 (1982), 107-111

 26.   Non-Standard Analysis
Chapter 11 in "Zahlen", Grundwissen Mathematik, Springer, 1983

 27.   p-Adically Closed Fields
Atas da 7. Escola de Algebra, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro 1983, 1-11

 28.   Lectures on Formally p-Adic Fields
(with P. Roquette)
Monografias de Matematica 38, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro 1983, 169 p.
(also published as `Lecture Notes in Mathematics' 1050, Springer)

 29.   Fields Regularly Closed with Respect to Finitely Many Valuations and Orderings
(with B. Heinemann)
Canad.Math.Soc.Conf.Proc.4(1984), 297-336

 30.   On the Axiomatization of PRC-Fields
Proc. of the VI Latin American Symposium on Mathematical Logic, Caracas 1983
Lecture Notes in Math., 1130, Springer

 31.   Model Theory of Fields: An Application to Positive Semidefinite Polynomials
Proc. of the 'Table Ronde de Logique', Paris 1983
Mem. Soc. Math. France 16 (1984), 53-65

 32.   On Places of Algebraic Function Fields
(with F.-V. Kuhlmann)
J. reine angew. Math. 353 (1984), 181-195

 33.   On the Size of Zeros of Quadratic Forms over Rational Function Fields
J. reine angew. Math. 378 (1987), 101-112

 34.   On Trace Forms of Algebraic Function Fields
Rocky Mountain J. of Math. 19 (1989), 897-911

 35.   Model Theory Applied to some Questions about Polynomials
In: Contributions to General Algebra 5, Proc. Salzburg Conf. 1986, 31-43, Teubner 1987

 36.   Sums of 2m-th Powers of Rational Functions
Atas do 15 coloquio brasileiro de mathematica 1985. IMPA, Rio de Janeiro 1987, 27-30

 37.   Representations of a Real Polynomial f(X) as a Sum of 2m-th Powers of Rational Functions
(with M. Bradley)
In: Martinez, Jorge (ed.). Ordered Algebraic Structures. Kluwer Acad.Pub. 1989, 197-207

 38.   Existentially Closed Domains with Radical Relations: An Axiomatization of the Ring of Algebraic Integers
(with J. Schmid)
J. reine angew. Math.407 (1990), 178-201

 39.   Decidability of the Ring of Real Algebraic and p-Adic Algebraic Integers
(with J. Schmid)
J. reine angew. Math. 414 (1991), 141-148

 40.   Algebraic Number Fields Elementarily Determined by their Absolute Galois Group
Israel J. of Math. 73 (1991), 199-205

 41.   Unique Realizability of Finite Abelian 2-Groups as Galois Groups
(with Ch.U.Jensen)
J. of Number Theory 40 (1992), 12-31

 42.   Realization of Finitely Generated Profinite Groups by Maximal Abelian Extensions of Fields
(with Ch.U.Jensen)
J. reine angew. Math 447 (1994), 201-218

 43.   Integer-Valued Rational Functions on Valued Fields
(with C.C.Ripoll)
manuscripta mathematica 73 (1991), 437-452

 44.   On a Variation of Hilbert's 17-th Problem
Proceedings: Algebra and Number Theory. De Gruyter 1994

 45.   Sums of 2m-th Powers of Rational Functions inOne Variable over Real Closed Fields
(with M.D.Choi, T.Y.Lam, and B. Reznick)
Math.Z. 221 (1996), 93-112

 46.   On Soler's Characterization of Hilbert Spaces
manuscripta mathematica 86 (1995), 225-238

 47.   Finitely Generated Pro-p-Groups as Galois Groups of Maximal p-Extensions of Function Fields over $\Q_{q}$
(with Ch.U.Jensen)
manuscripta mathematica 90 (1996), 225-238

 48.   How often can a finite group be realized as Galois group over a field
(with Ch.U. Jensen)
manuscripta mathematica 99 (1999), 223-247

 49.   Tame Galois p-extensions of p-henselian fields
(with A.J. Engler)
manuscripta mathematica 99 (1999), 249-254

 50.   Model theory of real closed rings
(with N. Schwartz)
Valuation Theory and its Applications
eds. F.-V. Kuhlmann, S. Kuhlmann, and M. Marshall,
Fields Institute Communications 32 (2002), 261-290

 51.   Distinguished representations of strictly positive polynomials
(with Th. Jacobi)
J. reine angew. Math. 532 (2001), 223-235

 52.   Bounds for Representations of Polynomials Positive on Compact Semialgebraic Sets
Valuation Theory and its Applications
eds. F.-V. Kuhlmann and M. Marshall,
Fields Institute Communications 32 (2002), 253-260

 53.   Representation of Real Commutative Rings
Expo Math 23 (2005), 89-98

 54.   Soler's Theorem
Handbook of Quantum Logic, Elsevier

 55.   Positive Elimination in Valued fields
manuscripta math. 123 (2007), 95-103

 56.   Quadratic Moduls of Polynomials in Two Variables
(with Egenia Cabral)
Ad. Geom. 8 (2008), 189-204

 57.   Aglebraic Characterization of Rings of Continuous p-adic Valued Functions
(with Samuel Volkweis Leite)
Communications in Algebra 44 (2016), 486-499

 58.   Definable henselian Valuation Rings
J. Symbolic Logic 80 (2015), 1260-1267

 59.   Uniform Definability of Henselian Valuation Rings in the Macintyre Language
(with Arno Fehm)
Bull. London Math. Soc. 47 (2015), 693-703

 (i)   Mengenlehre fü Mathematiker
(with U. Friedrichsdorf)
Vieweg Studium, Grundkurs Mathematik, 1985

 (ii)   Einfüung in die Mathematische Logik und Modelltheorie
Vieweg Studium, Grundkurs Mathematik, 1986

 (iii)   Model Theory fro the Real Algebraic Geometer
Universita di Pisa, 1998

 (iv)   Positive Polynomials: From Hilbert's 17th Problem to Real Algebra
(with Ch. N. Delzell)
Springer Monographs in Mathematics, 2001

 (v)   Valued Fields
(with A. J. Engler)
Springer Monographs in Mathematics, 2005

 (vi)   Mathematival Logic and Model Theory
(with Ch. N. Delzell)
Springer Universitext, 2011


 Stand: 24. März 2016