Workshop on
Partial Differential Equations
- Thermo & Visco & Elasticity -
July 31 - August 4, 2000
Konstanz, Germany
List of Talks
- H.-D. Alber: Evolving microstructure and homogenization
- F. Ammar Khodja: Simultaneous boundary stabilization of a system
of wave equations
- S.A. Antman: Incompressible nonlinearly viscoelastic rods
- A. Benabdallah: Exponential decay rates for a full von
Kármán thermoelastic system with
nonlinear thermal coupling
- K. Chelminski: Initial-boundary value problems for constitutive
equations with internal variables
- C.M. Dafermos: Challenging problems in analysis from the
theory of materials with fading memory
- G. Dassios: The far-field behaviour of the scattered
thermoelastic wave
- W. Domanski: Weakly nonlinear elastic and magnetoelastic
- B. Ducomet: Asymptotic behaviour for a model of non
monotone fluid in one dimension: the thermal
- C. Eck: On the solvability of thermo-viscoelastic
contact problems with Coulomb friction
- L. Fatori: Energy decay for hyperbolic thermoelastic
systems of memory type
- H. Frid Neto: On periodic solutions of conservation laws
- V. Georgiev: Global solution for a viscoelastic problem with
memory term
- S. Jiang: On spherically symmetric solutions of the
compressible isentropic Navier-Stokes equations
- S. Kawashima: Existence and stability of stationary waves for the
compressible Navier-Stokes equation in the half
- J.U. Kim: On a stochastic hyperbolic system in linear
- H. Koch: Self-sustained oscillations of visco-elastic
- I. Lasiecka: Uniform stability in nonlinear dynamic
elasticity with thermoelasticity
- Z. Liu: Exponential energy decay of an elastic beam
with local viscoelasticity
- O. Lopes: Towards a stability theory of double solitons
for integrable systems
- T.F. Ma: Some equations modeling beams on elastic
- S.A. Messaoudi: Blow up in a nonlinearly damped wave equation
- M. Nakao: Decay and global existence for the quasilinear
wave equations in exterior domains
- G. Perla Menzala: Uniform stabilization of the full von
Kármán system of dynamic
viscoelasticity with memory
- M. Reissig: About some new results for the model of
three-dimensional thermoelasticity
- M. Renardy: Backward uniqueness in linear thermoelasticity
- Y. Shibata: Lp approach to the Ginzburg-Landau
- S. Shimizu: On the Schauder estimate of solutions to elastostatic
interface problems
- M. Slemrod: Chapman Enskog expansion
- Y.-G. Wang: Microlocal analysis in semilinear
- S.J. Watson: Unique global solvability and temporal
asymptotics in one-dimensional thermoviscoelasticity
- S. Zheng: Maximal attractors for the system of one-dimensional
polytropic viscous ideal gas
Reinhard Racke,
July 25, 2000