Matthias Wolf
Universität Konstanz
Fachbereich Mathematik und Statistik
D-78457 Konstanz
Room G 416
Telephone (+49) 75 31 / 88-2595
My resarch focuses on
Systems of dissipative hyperbolic differential
equations in particular with applications to
(relativistic) Fluid
Mechanics. I am interested in the non-linear stability of
homogeneous rest sates and shock waves.
Current Position
I am a postdoc at the chair of
Analysis and Mathematics in the
Sciences of
Heinrich Freistühler at the
University of Konstanz.
My position is funded by the
Forschungsgemeinschaft Prority Research Program 2410
Hyperbolic Balance Laws in Fluid Mechanics: Complexity, Scales, Randomnes (CoScaRa).
Here I work
within the project
Stability of shock waves under hyperbolic dissipation (PI
Heinrich Freistühler).
Prior Positions
10/21-08/23: Postdoc at the University of Konstanz funded by Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft grands No. FR 822 / 10-2 (PI: Heinrich
12/19-09/21: Project manager of
Individualisierte Studieneingangsphase (Individulalized Orientation
Phase) for first year students at the University of Konstanz.
05/19-11/19: Postdoc at the Faculty of Mathematics
and Physics, Charles University, Prague with PI
Sebastian Schwarzacher. Here we investigated problems in
07/15-04/19: PhD-Student at the University of Konstanz. Advisor: Heinrich
Note: I did most of my work in the field of mathematics under my birth name, Matthias Sroczinski.