Department of
Mathematics and Statistics
Research Group Real Algebraic Geometry > Daniel Plaumann Deutsche Fassung

Daniel Plaumann - Research

  • DFG Project Convexity in Real Algebraic Geometry.
  • Forschungsinitiative Real Algebraic Geometry and Emerging Applications.
  • Research Areas

    Spectrahedra and hyperbolic polynomials

    A spectrahedron is an affine-linear slice of the cone of positive semidefinite matrices. Spectrahedra are the domains of semidefinite programs, just as polyhedra are those of linear programs. The boundary of a spectrahedron is contained in an algebraic hypersurface satisfying a reality condition called hyperbolicity. However, it remains mysterious whether hyperbolicity suffices to characterize spectrahedra. The exact relation is the content of the Generalized Lax Conjecture, and making progress on this conjecture is one of my main goals. There are surprising connections to sums of squares of polynomials that I am currently investigating.

    Positive polynomials and sums of squares

    Connections between positive polynomials and sums of squares pervade real algebraic geometry. When a polynomial is expressed as a sum of squares, its non-negativity is obvious, and testing for such an expression can be carried out efficiently in a semidefinite program. Positivity on semi-algebraic sets (i.e. under additional polynomial inequalities) is expressed by weighted sums of squares. I work on the existence and complexity of such representations, especially in the context of the moment problem in functional analysis and in relation with convexity and combinatorics.

    Semidefinite representations of convex sets

    Many convex sets that are not spectrahedra can still be expressed as projected spectrahedra. Such lifted representations are of great interest in convex optimization. A general machinery for approximating the convex hull of a semi-algebraic set by a sequence of projected spectrahedra is the Lasserre Relaxation, which works by expressing supporting hyperplanes as weighted sums of squares. A conjecture due to Helton and Nie states that every convex semi-algebraic set is a projected spectrahedron. A further goal is to prove lower bounds on the complexity of semidefinite representations.

    DFG Project Convexity in Real Algebraic Geometry

    Project Abstract. In this project, problems from convexity and from convex and polynomial optimisation are studied with specific methods from real algebraic geometry. This concerns fundamental questions arising from applications in optimisation (in particular semidefinite programming and positive polynomials), but also the classical geometry of curves and surfaces and their higher dimensional analogues. Two aspects that have received a lot of attention in recent years concern the representation of real polynomials by determinants and the description of convex sets by linear matrix inequalities.

  • Detailed description of the mathematical background

  • last edited 21 October 2013