Departement of
Mathematics and Statistics

Universität Konstanz
Real Geometry and Algebra > Prof. Dr. S. Kuhlmann > Employee > Sarah-Tanja Hess



25. January 2024 Intermediate Cones for the SOS and PSD Cones
Lecture on the main results of the dissertation, Konstanz, Germany
15. December 2023 Separating Cones for the SOS and PSD Cones that Fail to be Spectrahedral Shadows (Abstract)
Seminar: Real Algebraic Geometry, Konstanz, Deutschland
09.-11. October 2023 A Refinement of Hilbert’s 1888 Theorem (Abstract)
Séminaire: Structures Algébriques Ordonnées, Paris, France
04.-06. October 2023 A Refinement of Hilbert’s 1888 Theorem: Survey Talk (Abstract)
Women in Automorphic Forms 2023, Constance, Germany
31. July - 04. August 2023 A Cone Filtration in the Dual Setting to the Moment Problem (Abstract)
International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications 2023, Helsinki, Finland
10.-14. July 2023 Separating Cones for the SOS and PSD Cones (Abstract)
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry, Eindhoven, Netherlands
13.-17. March 2023 Intermediate Cones between the SOS and PSD Cones: Quartics and Sextics (Extended Abstract)
Real Algebraic Geometry with a View toward Koopman Operator Methods, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany
12.-16. September 2022 Positive Semidefinite Quadratic Forms on Varieties Defined by Quadratic Forms (Extended Abstract)
25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Bayreuth, Germany
22.-28. August 2022 Intermediate Cones between the SOS and PSD Cones (Abstract)
European Women in Mathematics General Meeting, Espoo/Helsinki, Finland