Keywords concerning my research interests: Hilbert's 17th problem, Hilbert's 1888 theorem, positive semidefinite polynomials (PSD), sums of squares (SOS), Veronese embedding, Veronese variety, Gram matrices, varieties of minimal degree, quadratics forms, quadrics, polynomial optimization, semidefinite programming
Intermediate Cones between the Cones of Positive Semidefinite Forms and Sums of Squares (with
Charu Goel and
Salma Kuhlmann ), arXiv: 2303.13178
A Refinement of Hilbert's 1888 Theorem: Separating Cones along the Veronese Variety (with
Charu Goel and
Salma Kuhlmann ), arXiv: 2401.03813
Doctoral Project
Intermediate Cones between the SOS and PSD Cones (since October 2020)
Prof. Dr. Salma Kuhlmann, Universiy of Konstanz
Asst. Prof. Dr. Charu Goel , Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIITN), Nagpur, India
Master's Thesis