19 December 2022: The Interplay of Languages, Automata and Monadic Second-Order Logic Logik Kolloquium, University of Konstanz.
26 September 2022: A Büchi–Elgot–Trakhtenbrot Theorem for Monadic Second-Order Formulas
Colloquium Logicum 2022, DVMLG, University of Konstanz.
23 June 2023: Archimedean Ordered Fields with the Independence Property Recent Advances in Real Algebra and Model Theory (Birthday Workshop in Honor of Salma Kuhlmann's Scientific and Career Achievements), University of Konstanz.
4 July 2023: Archimedean Ordered Fields with(out) the Independence Property
and Binary Classification
Seminar “Set Theory and Analysis”, Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague.
27 November 2024: Model Theory meets Statistical Learning
Logic Seminar, Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Caserta.