Fluid-structure interaction simulation of a falling elastic ball within a viscous fluid and its contact with the bottom
09.11.21, 15:15 | Prof. Dr. Pedro Henrique de Almeida Konzen Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre (Brazil) Title: The Quasi-Random Discrete Ordinates Method and the Ray Effect on Particle Transport Simulations (Abstract) |
11.11.21, 17:00 | Prof. Dr. Thomas Richter Otto-van-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg (in F426) Title: Deep Neural Networks for Accelerating Fluid-Dynamics Simulations (Abstract) |
23.11.21, 15:15 | Marvin Koch (Seminar Talk) |
30.11.21, 15:15 | Dr. Maneesh Kumar Singh, University of Konstanz Title: An Operator-Splitting Finite Element Method for Radiative Transfer Equation |
01.02.21, 15:15 | 15:15 Jan Reichle (Seminar Talk). Title: Optimierungsalgorithmen fü Neuronale Netze 16:00 Lukas Schulth (Master thesis). Title: Untersuchung und Entwicklung von Ansätzen zur Detektion von Poisoning-Angriffen |
08.02.21, 15:15 | Gabriel Gässler (Seminar Talk) |