
Lectures and Seminars (University of Konstanz)

WS 2021/22: Lecture: Numerische Mathematik (with S. Volkwein, second half of the lecture)

WS 2021/22: Lecture: Mathematik für Biologen und Sportwissenschaftler

WS 2021/22: Lecture: Mathematik I für die Studiengänge Chemie, Life Science und Nanoscience

WS 2021/22: Seminar and Oberseminar: Numerik (with M. Junk, J. Schropp)
More details can be found here

SS 2021: Block Lecture: Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics

SS 2021: Lecture: Computereinsatz in der Mathematik

SS 2021: Lecture: Mathematik II für die Studiengänge Chemie, Life Science und Nanoscience

SS 2021: Seminar: Numerik (with M. Junk, J. Schropp)

WS 2020/21: Lecture: Numerische Mathematik (with S. Volkwein, second half of the lecture)
More details can be found here

WS 2020/21: Lecture: Mathematik für Biologen und Sportwissenschaftler
More details can be found here

WS 2020/21: Lecture: Mathematik I für die Studiengänge Chemie, Life Science und Nanoscience
More details can be found here

WS 2020/21: Seminar: Numerik (with M. Junk, J. Schropp)
More details can be found here

SS 2020: Lecture: Computereinsatz in der Mathematik
More details can be found here

SS 2020: Lecture: Mathematik II für die Studiengänge Chemie, Life Science und Nanoscience
More details can be found here

SS 2020: Seminar: Numerik (with M. Junk, J. Schropp)
More details can be found here

WS 2019/20: Lecture: Numerische Mathematik (with S. Volkwein, second half of the lecture)
More details can be found here,

WS 2019/20: Lecture: Mathematik I für die Studiengänge Chemie, Life Science und Nanoscience
More details can be found here

Compact Course

August 2-8, 2017: One-week compact course: Análisis numérico con elementos finitos (as main speaker)
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Peru

Summer Schools

February 2016: DAAD Summer School on Numerical Simulation with the Finite Element Method - Theoretical Analysis and Computational Practice (as teaching assistant)
Universidade Federal Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil (Link)

August 2015: DAAD Summer School on Numerical Simulation with the Finite Element Method - Theoretical Analysis and Computational Practice (as teaching assistant)
Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Lima, Peru (Link)

March 2014: DAAD Summer School on Numerical Simulation with the Finite Element Method - Theoretical Analysis and Computational Practice (as teaching assistant)
Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Peru

Student tutorials (Heidelberg University)

Summer term 2016
Special topics in Numerical Analysis (Prof. Rolf Rannacher)
Seminar Numerical Analysis (Prof. Rolf Rannacher)

Winter term 2015/2016
Numerical methods for partial differential equations (Prof. Rolf Rannacher)
Seminar Numerical Analysis (Prof. Rolf Rannacher)

Winter term 2013/2014
Numerical methods for fluid dynamics (Prof. Thomas Richter)

Winter term 2012/2013
Numerical methods for fluid-structure interactions (Prof. Thomas Richter)

Winter term 2011/2012
Numerical methods for partial differential equations (Prof. Rolf Rannacher)

Summer term 2010
Introduction to numerical analysis (Dr. Michael Besier)

Winter term 2009/2010
Introduction to numerical analysis (Prof. Peter Bastian)

Winter term 2008/2009
Mathematics for biologists II (Dr. Mariya Ptashnyk)

Winter term 2007/2008
Analysis I (Prof. Angela Stevens)

Software courses

Summer term 2014
Introduction to the finite element library Gascoigne 3D (Link)

Summer term 2013
Introduction to the finite element library Gascoigne 3D (Link)

Summer term 2012
Introduction to the finite element library Gascoigne 3D