Peruvian Competence Center on Scientific Computing (PeC3)

PeC3 is a network of universities and scientists from Peru and Germany with the goal to foster research and education in scientific computing, applied and computational mathematics. The idea of PeC3 started in 2014 and was consolidated in the subsequent years with several summer and winter schools on numerical methods for partial differential equations at different universities in Peru and South America.

For our ongoing events, please visit the PeC3 home page.

Peruvian Conference on Scientific Computing

Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Peru, March 30-April 2, 2020
Unfortunately, this event had to be cancelled due to the COVID19 pandemic. We plan to postpone it to 2022.
March 23-27, 2020 (ahead of the conference): Introductory Autumn School on Scientific Computing

Workshop: Computational Methods for Interface Problems

University College London, January 3-4, 2019


Compact course: Análisis numérico con elementos finitos

August 2-8, 2017

Symposium: Simulation and Optimisation of Extreme Fluids


Brazilian-German Summer School on Finite Elements


Winter School and Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interactions

in Linz, Austria


2nd Peruvian-German School on Finite Elements

in Lima, Peru


DAAD Summer School 2014 in Trujillo, Peru

