Tutorials for Real Algebraic Geometry II, summer semester 2023, Universität Konstanz
Homepage of lecture
Distribution of exercise sheets: Thursday after the lectures
Thursday, 10:00h
Time and place tutorials:
Tuesdays at 13:30, in D 404.
Start of tutorials:
May 2nd
Moritz Schick
Thursday 27.7, from 10:00 to 11:30, in F 420.
In order to successfully pass the tutorial classes, the participants have to achieve 50% of the total number of points as well as present a solution in the class at least once. Attending the tutorial classes is mandatory!
The exercise sheets are to be found below.
Exercise sheets:
Sheet 1
Sheet 2
Sheet 3 (korrigiert)
Sheet 4
Sheet 5
Sheet 6
Sheet 7
Sheet 8
Sheet 9
Sheet 10 (
Sheet 11
Sheet 12 (
Last update: